Home and Me

Between the world and the artist, between home and me, is a visual journey through one’s private home; the world as seen by an artist. The artist returns, repeats and re-presents the daily-things familiar: To render them into a unique gaze for him and us- to re- engage in the re-imaged old in new formations; the un-familiar -familiar. The choice of the breakfast ritual as repetition, traditional textile placed inside/outside a world rendered and, in a continuous dialogue. All inserted in this environment through the eyes of a lived artist’s vision. The effusive colors, choice of material and the repetition of figures all serve to inform, relate and perhaps explain a particular perspective in imagery mainly using everyday materials. The lined Al Hindi cloth of amber/red/maroon colors appear prominently in the photographic series. Imbedded in the lines and color formations of this cloth is Somali history, narrating textual artisanship centuries old; so is the old black head sheep a staple in the visual landscape and everyday of things Somali. Home, and that vision that emanates from it (me ) is an artists’ relations, inhabitance, and coexistence with his world. 










Vintage spirit

Using Format